Our quest to be digital, guided by innovation, and our desire to shape the future.

At Daniel Law, we recognize that the future of legal services is intertwined with technological advancement. Our substantial investments in technology are not just about tools and platforms; they represent our belief in human potential. We’ve bolstered our teams with experts in Technology, Business Intelligence, Agile Project Development, Marketing, and Legal Design. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that we’re not only keeping pace with the digital era but also leading the charge. By harmoniously blending technology with human expertise, we’re redefining the standards of excellence in the realm of IP and Tech law in LATAM, ensuring our clients receive services that are both innovative and deeply rooted in industry knowledge.

Cloud Infrastructure with AWS

Embracing the Future with AWS: Our journey to the cloud has transformed the way we operate. By leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS), we’ve achieved agility, enhanced security, and reduced operational costs. This digital transformation ensures that we remain at the forefront of the legal industry, ready to meet the evolving needs of our clients.

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Information Security

Guarding Your Trust: Our advanced Artificial Intelligence systems access real-time data from global patent offices, extracting strategic insights about ongoing disputes, nullity allegations, and more. With our commitment to Information Security, you can be assured that your Intellectual Property is in safe hands.

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Zarabatana – Battling Online Piracy

In the digital age, piracy poses unique challenges. Zarabatana is our answer to this menace. This tool streamlines the process of taking down counterfeit listings from major Brazilian marketplaces, making it easier and smarter to combat Online Piracy.

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LGPD Fine Simulator

Understanding the implications of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) is crucial for businesses today. Our LGPD Fine Simulator offers a glimpse into potential fines in various infringement scenarios, helping businesses navigate this complex regulatory landscape.

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